The Cardiff Stadium Murder
Eddie Westford is connected to some powerful people in Cardiff. But who would slit his throat in the car park of Cardiff City football club?
Evidence suggesting Westford is a suspect in a drug related inquiry means that Marco faces having to transfer the investigation to another officer. But Marco’s gut instinct believes that Westford’s death may be connected to some powerful people in Cardiff .
He resists the attempts from his senior officer to have the murder case allocated to another officer. So Inspector Marco doesn’t have much time to unmask Westford’s killer.
If you enjoy crime mysteries, then you’ll love this prequel novella in the Inspector Marco series.
Available on KINDLE. Also available as an audiobook, CLICK HERE.

- ‘I absolutely loved reading ‘Dead Smart’ and it was a fantastic introduction to a new character and a new series. I look forward to reading further books in this series.’ Ginger Book Geek TOP 1000 Reviewer 5* Amazon review.
- ‘A very enjoyable, fast-paced read and I look forward to reading many more by this author.’ Jo 5* review Amazon

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